Support us
Why Choose The Shine Centre?
At the Shine Centre we passionately believe that every child must be given the opportunity to realise their full potential. Through intensive programmes and the commitment of both our families and our staff we strive to give every child that opportunity.
Our children consistently show us that they can grow and develop when given the opportunity to do so. The children in our services come from across Cork City and County and we don’t exclude any child once we have the expertise and facilities they need to help them to develop. We work in the key intervention window where we can have a hugely positive impact on the development of our children and give them the opportunity to acquire the key skills they need to maximise their abilities.
Early intervention and the wide range of other services Shine provides your donation can have a real and tangible impact on the development of an autistic child and their family for many years to come.
At Shine we are delighted to talk to people who feel that they would like to make a donation and we can offer certainty that their funds can be donated for a specific purpose or to fund a particular programme.

Registered Charity No: CHY17702
Charities Regulator No: 20066444
CRO No: 411442

Fundraise For Shine
If you would like to become involved in one of the fundraising initiatives that Shine operates we would be delighted to hear from you.
1. If you are holding an event and you are looking for a charity to benefit from it we would be delighted to hear from you. We as an organisation will get behind the event and assist in any way that we can through volunteers, promotion or cost.
2. If you are participating in an event such as a Marathon, Skydive or anything else we can supply sponsorship cards, tee-shirts and publicity and we would be delighted to assist you in any way possible.
3. If you would like to organise an event such as a Cake Sale – Coffee Morning – Table Quiz or any other kind of fundraiser we will actively promote the event to our families and friends. We will also advertise the event on our website and Facebook page and assist in any other way that we can.
Corporate Donations

We have worked with many companies in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). At Shine we are well aware of our responsibilities to deliver on our commitments once funding is received from donor companies. Your company can be as involved as you wish and we can identify specific projects or new initiatives that will deliver a tangible outcome as a result of your donation. We would be delighted to discuss any opportunities your company may have through their CSR