about our services
Our services, with the exception of the Early Intervention Classes, operate on a demand led basis. This effectively means that the potential wait time depends on how busy a particular service is at the time you contact us. We will endeavour to keep wait times to a minimum but it may be necessary to wait a number of weeks for a particular service at certain pinch points during the year. The Early Learning Unit has an annual intake of 18 students in September of each year and the students remain in that service until the following July at the end of that academic year. You can contact all of our services by calling the Shine Centre or by emailing the relevant service directly. The services we provide are limited in scope and on occasions we may be unable to help you with every issue that arises, but we will always try to connect you with a service that can. You will find all of the relevant contact details for each individual service by clicking on that service below.
Early intervention classes
Children who attend the Shine Early Intervention classes will engage in both one to one work, paired work and group work during their school day. The focus is always on the individual learning needs of each child and to enhance communication and social development by providing a consistent programme of early education and intervention for a full academic year. Lots of time for fun and relaxation too in our soft-play room, sensory room and outdoor play area.
family support services
When your child receives a diagnosis of autism it can be a challenging time for parents as they try to navigate their way through the areas of education, entitlements and services. Many parents are caught up in the emotion of the diagnosis which is totally understandable as they come to grips with their new situation.
Behavioural support - early childhood years
The Behaviour Specialist – Early Childhood Years’ service offers support, advice, strategies and coaching to the parents of children in the area of behaviour and autism. This is a consultative service that works with children up to 8 years of age depending on the level of support they require. As each child, and therefore each case is different, an initial consultation is required to ascertain if the service can be of benefit to any individual child.
PALS - personal & life skills programme
This programme places equal emphasis on personal and emotional self-management skills, self-esteem and social skill development. It addresses the barriers to social skill advancement through individualised child centred lessons, and constantly feeds back information and lesson plans to parents.
parent coaching service
This coaching service builds on our commitment to positive parent mental health and parent wellness and the key part it plays in positive family functioning, relationships and outcomes for the child and family as a whole. You can book a coaching session (subject to availability) with any of the coaches by email – see the “Meet the Coaches” section below for contact details.
Our services, with the exception of the Early Intervention Classes, operate on a demand led basis. This effectively means that the potential wait time depends on how busy a particular service is at the time you contact us. We will endeavour to keep wait times to a minimum but it may be necessary to wait a number of weeks for a particular service at certain pinch points during the year. The Early Learning Unit has an annual intake of 18 students in September of each year and the students remain in that service until the following July at the end of that academic year. You can contact all of our services by calling the Shine Centre or by emailing the relevant service directly. The services we provide are limited in scope and on occasions we may be unable to help you with every issue that arises, but we will always try to connect you with a service that can. You will find all of the relevant contact details for each individual service by clicking on that service below.